Friday, January 28, 2011

Spring Programme of Events

We have now finalized the Institute's programme of events for the spring. Five events, all on Wednesday evenings, and starting at 7.30 pm. Our first event, on February 9, is a lecture by Professor Michael MacKinnon (University of Winnipeg), entitled "Rich Man, Poor Man: Reconstructing Social Status in the Ancient World from Archaeological Bones". This is followed, on February 23, by an evening with Greek Canadian novelist Nikitas Terzis, whose latest mystery thriller Bird of Prey is set in the international archaeological community of Athens.

On March 9, our third event is a lecture by Professor Rodney Fitzsimons (Trent University) who will speak on "Making an Archaic City: The Social, Political and Architectural Correlates of Urbanization at Azoria, East Crete". This is followed, on March 23, by a lecture from Professor James Murray (University of New Brunswick) on "Searching for Plato’s Academy: Post-war Efforts". Finally, on April 6, we will screen the Canadian movie The Child Prodigy / L'Enfant prodige.

We hope you can join us at the Institute for these events.

Best wishes,
Jonathan Tomlinson
Assistant Director

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Temporary Museum Closures

This just in from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture:

The Museum of the Roman Agora of Thessaloniki and the Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos are closed to the public until further notice.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good Morning!

The arrival just before the Christmas break of the latest shipment of books for the Library reminds me of an important development at the Institute. Since last year we have been ordering books and monographs relating to specific topics: archaeological theory, methodology and practice; pedestrian survey archaeology; remote sensing, GIS and archaeological research; computer applications in analysis and reconstruction; faunal and ecofactual analysis; artifact and site conservation. Our aim is for our Library to offer to the archaeological community in Athens access to research materials that may not be available elsewhere. One can view our Library catalogue through our website, .
I also want to alert you to a valuable archival resource that we have recently received as a donation. That is the B/W negative collection of Professor Fred Winter, the noted Greek architectural historian who taught at the University of Toronto for many years. As we learn more about the size and the contents of this important archive I will share with you our discoveries in this blog.

David Rupp

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Greetings and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Productive 2011 from Athens!

The Canadian Institute in Greece started the “academic year” in September, 2010 with the launch of its totally revised and expanded website, , which I encourage you to check out, if you haven’t already. It presents our many activities and highlights the archaeological fieldwork of our permit holders – present and past. You can also read the latest issue of the Institute’s Bulletin. In short, our website should provide you with everything you want to know about CIG, but were too shy to ask.
To bring more attention to our upcoming lectures, the program for our Friends of the Institute, news concerning CIG and future plans we have started this month our own blog to reach out into the blogosphere. On a regular basis I, or the Institute’s Assistant Director, Jonathan Tomlinson, will bring you up to date on what we are doing.
One important tidbit of news that I would like to share with you is the arrival on Sunday of April Ross, our new intern from the University of Waterloo. She will be assisting us for three months in the Library.

In closing, we appreciate your interest in our Institute and in our work. Please let us know your thoughts about the Institute and its website, our Facebook page and this blog.

David Rupp