Friday, August 2, 2024

Many visits to Greece, yet more to discover!

As my internship at the Canadian Institute in Greece ends, it brings up the reflection on my time spent here in Athens and the responsibilities and activities I have partaken in.  Over the last two and a half months, I have been able to learn new things and experience places I have visited before but go to others I had never been to.  This internship helped me to step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there a little more. 

My graduate studies in European Affairs led me to the institute for the completion of an internship in Europe, and I am grateful to have been introduced to the institute in the past while completing a course for my undergraduate studies here in Greece.  Although I do not have a strong knowledge of archaeology, this internship motivated me to learn more about Greece’s history and be more aware of how archaeology has influenced our modern world.  While my main tasks at the institute were working in the library organizing and cataloguing the books, I was also given the opportunity to assist with events and meet new people.

As many of you have been following our adventures on social media, managing and providing content gave me the opportunity to explore parts of Athens that I never had before.  One of the expeditions that I was most excited to go to and gather content for was the ancient Greek Agora.  For years I have been trying to go to this archaeological site, and with my internship here, I finally was able to do so, while bearing in mind the significance of the archaeological remains.  Completing my internship at the institute helped me put into perspective and be more aware of the significance of archaeology in Greece.  Not just the usual tourism aspect of visiting the site, but actually taking the time to understand everything there.  Sometimes we take for granted that we have these marvels in our world, but it is important to realize their significance to the past and how important it is that we still have these artifacts and sites today.

Being Greek and having been to Greece on numerous occasions, I have been fortunate to have seen many of Greece’s museums and archaeological sites.  However, working at the institute gave me the privilege of to explore more of what Greece had to offer.  Not only did the institute give me the opportunity to explore more of Greece, but to meet new people.  I was able to meet various diplomats and professors and have meaningful conversations with them.  I am grateful to have been able to meet so many different people and the impact they had on my perspective of Greece. 

Overall, my time here in Greece, as always was enjoyable, but this experience as an intern will be unforgettable.  The opportunity to work at the Canadian Institute in Greece was very impactful for my continuing education.  Thank you to all those who make it possible for the institute to be available to us and being a resource for Canadian scholars.

Christina Coutsougeras
University of Toronto intern, Summer 2024

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